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Terms and Conditions


When booking a session with Cheshire Forest School it is important that you read our terms and conditions outlined in the policy below. 

Cheshire Forest School aims to provide high standards of professionalism in all of our sessions. Our participants' health and safety is our highest priority.  We run our sessions in all weather except torrential rain and high winds/weather warnings and we have a very clear and robust Adverse Weather Policy.


​We try to keep our terms and conditions straightforward, especially concerning our refund policy. The following guidelines make clear what you can expect from us and what we, in return, expect from you.



Our Little Forest Folk Sessions, Birthday Parties, Weekend and Holiday Family Events are paid for by card on our Bookwhen booking system with the balance of a party due the day before.

Holiday Club places can be paid for either by card on our Bookwhen booking system or by using tax-free childcare or childcare vouchers.  If using Tax Free Childcare, it is essential that you add your reference code, and that payment is made the same day the booking.


Private sessions such as school trips, sessions delivered at individual schools and all other charity or community groups will be invoiced with payment made in advance.

Cancellation by Cheshire Forest School


In the event of cancellation by Cheshire Forest School for any reason such as, yet not limited to, the weather, site damage, staff illness or unforeseen circumstances:  you will have the option to transfer to another session.  Where this is a session within a term, we will roll over a session to the next term.


We will only offer a refund, in exceptional circumstances, and at the discretion of the Company Director, Caroline Rogers





Cancellation by Parent/Carer

Cancellation with the expectation of a refund for a season-related block booking must be made at least 10 days before the start of the booked-for season or sessions, to allow enough time for others on the waiting list to be allowed to attend.

NB - There are no refunds given for individual sessions missed during a term, or for one-off trial sessions. This includes Little Forest Folk block bookings.


Cancellation due to a child being too ill to attend (Holiday Club or their Party)


For party bookings, we will do our best to reschedule your party, however, if this is not possible a refund may be considered by the Company Director, Caroline Rogers.


For Holiday Club, a transfer to another session is only possible if we have a space available to ensure that we maintain our ratios.  This transfer will only be offered inline with our Sickness Policy as we must ensure that a child does not attend or return to Holiday Club before they are well enough or have been away for the appropriate exclusion periods for common childhood illnesses which is detailed on the ‘Infection Control Table’ within the sickness policy.



Cancellations in respect of a child attending but who has not enjoyed the session

Whilst we welcome any feedback you may have; we are unable to refund any payment under these circumstances.


Cancellation before 14 days of the party

For cancelling a party, if you cancel 14 days before the party you will receive a full refund of your deposit. If you are within the 14 days before the party date, we will not be able to refund you but in some circumstances may be able to reschedule your party (where there is availability to do so).



This policy was adopted by: Cheshire Forest School


Date: 30/01/23

Reviewed: 30/01/2024

Next review: 30/01/25


Signed: cnrogers

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