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Autumn and Halloween Ideas

Writer's picture: Caroline RogersCaroline Rogers

Children who attend our weekly Forest School sessions often extend activities and experiences at home. Or parents say, I'm going to do that this weekend with my children who are in school and let them enjoy some outdoor fun too!

This blog is intended to offer some ideas to do outside, in nature, over half term.

1. Go on an autumn walk and enjoy the sounds of leaves crunching beneath your feet. Let children throw leaves up in the air and watch them fall. Stop and create a Mandala - artwork using patterns.

2. Collect leaves to bring home. Rip, tear and cut to make leaf confetti. Brown leaves can be used to collage a squirrel, orange leaves to collage a pumpkin and even different coloured leaves to collage a star shape which can be attached to the end of a stick to create a magic wand. *save any cardboard - from amazon deliveries etc - to use for the squirrels, pumpkins and stars*

3. A popular activity has been hammering pegs into a pumpkin! Golf pegs, a hammer and a pumpkin - so easy to do and lots of fun!

3. Make playdough together and add orange or black food colouring. With some Halloween biscuit cutters, children can roll, cut and create. Recipe can be found by following this link

4. Natural 0 and X's game. Collect 4 sticks to create the grid. Each player collects a set of objects to use. A set of acorns, oak leaves, conkers, yellow leaves..let the children decide.

5. How about making a conker character?

6. Use potatoes to carve a Halloween stamp. Add some paint and you have some Halloween artwork.

Enjoy half term, Halloween and spending time as a family. Let me know if you do any of these activities.


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